Fugue Foundation¶
Mission Statement¶
A better world through effective altruism and open source, decentralized technology.
Core Principles¶
- Applying tenants of effective altruism to achieve maximum impact for all actions taken and supporting charities who do the same
- Helping poor, disadvantaged, and vulnerable populations
- Encouraging good stewardship of the planet and its limited natural resources
- Leveraging and developing open source technologies that are privacy-centric, secure, and decentralized

Strategic Goals¶
Almost 50% of the world’s population lives on less than 2.50 USD per day. There are many complicated reasons for this - economics, over-population, lack of quality education, diseases, environment and geography - but Fugue Foundation’s small part of the solution is focused on education. More specifically, we believe that the development and administration of open source technologies such as blockchain will play a key role in tomorrow’s digital economy and its surrounding workforce. To help onboard the next generation of users into this space, it will take more than awareness and determination. It will take practical applications for the technology itself to prove its utility, and we want to support the developers who are willing to hone the necessary skillset to innovate these apps, filling a void where current solutions prove ineffective or insufficient.
- We actively seek input and partnership with other research and nonprofit organizations within the effective altruism community with an interest in open source technologies. See Partnerships and Grants.
We use stable coins and other cryptocurrencies wherever possible in our operations and donations as a private foundation. We realize that not all EA nonprofits out there are fully equipped to receive such donations, or are not necessarily harnessing the full capabilities of this financial revolution. For example, immediately converting a crypto donation into a sovereign currency such as dollars may be expedient for operations, but it does overlooks other possibilities for those funds that may be either interest bearing or facilitate crossborder payments. This is a balancing act; trying to help the great work of these nonprofits as efficiently and unobtrusively as possible while consulting with them to consider adapting new and unfamiliar practices.
- Fugue Foundation is all about the code. We maintain several open source code repositories on Github and hope to find time to either develop these projects internally or outsource their development to others. See Platform to learn more.
Decentralized governance and financial models through blockchain technology are cutting edge resources that enable all sorts of fascinating possibilities. The Fugue Foundation will use these tools whenever possible within our own operations. When not possible within the existing legal framework, we seek ways to challenge or expand conventional thinking among decision makers and thought leaders.
Road map¶
Short Term¶
- Receive 501(c)(3) tax exempt status (filing made Jan 2021)
- Continue to find novel ways to generate revenue with FF funds using decentralized technologies such as staking rewards and interest bearing accounts
- Expand partnerships within the effective altruism community
Long Term¶
- Continue development on v1.0 of charitable donation decentralized application (dApp) and effective alturism application programming interface (API)
- Decentralize the organization as much as possible within the legal limits, while seeking ways to challenge or change those limitations through meaningful action.
Fugue Foundation is a private nonprofit organization formed on March 9, 2018 under Arizona Revised Statutes Section 10-3201. Our public listing with the state is visible here, which includes information on our corporate structure as well as our domicile address. In January 2021, we filed a 1023-EZ soliciting status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit and are awaiting a response from the IRS.